(Customer Ratings)
Ladylife Syrup is a natural and effective formulation designed to support women's health and well-being. It is enriched with powerful herbs and nutrients that help restore hormonal balance, combat anemia and weakness, purify the blood, and enhance the natural glow of the skin. This syrup is also beneficial in addressing concerns such as leucorrhoea (white discharge), ensuring overall vitality and improved health for women.
Hormonal Disorder (हार्मोनल डिसऑडर)
Anemia & Weakness (रक्त विकार और कमजोरी)
Blood Purifier (खून साफ करने में सहायक)
Face Glower (चेहरे पर चमक)
Leucorrhoea (व्हाइट डिस्चार्ज)
(Customer Ratings)
Astha-Go Syrup is a natural and highly effective remedy formulated to support respiratory health and alleviate breathing difficulties. Enriched with potent herbs and natural ingredients, it helps soothe asthmatic cough, reduce wheezing, and relieve chest tightness. This syrup also works as an excellent aid for purifying the respiratory tract and improving airflow, ensuring better lung function.
Asthmatic Cough (विशेष प्रकार की खांसी)
Wheezing (गले में घरघराहट)
Tightening of the Chest (छाती का जकड़ा होना)
Difficulty in Breathing (सांस लेने में दिक्कत)
Purifies Respiratory Tract (श्वसन तंत्र शुद्धि)
(Customer Ratings)
Livo Life-DS Syrup is a powerful herbal formulation designed to support liver health and manage liver disorders. It helps in the treatment of fatty liver, hepatitis, jaundice, and other liver-related ailments. This syrup also acts as an appetiser, enhancing digestion and promoting overall liver function. With its unique blend of natural ingredients, it works effectively in improving liver function and detoxifying the body.
Liver Disorder (यकृत विकार)
Fatty Liver (फैटी लीवर)
Hepatitis (हेपेटाइटिस)
Jaundice (पीलिया)
Appetiser (भुख बढ़ाने मे लाभदायक)